Bed bugs are the nuisance creator on the bed due to bites at night. These annoying creatures’ bites are disturbing and because of their tiny size, they can become a lot of trouble as an increase in number. This wingless insect is oval in shape and can be 5-6 mm long as an adult. It is naturally corrode brown in colour and this colour turns to reddish brown after having a meal of blood. An adult bed bug can live for 6 months at room temperature of 20C or live much life in colder climates. After mating each female bug lays 1-3 eggs a day in her lifespan and the 1mm eggs are of cream coloured and hatches within around 10 days in room temperature.

Nymphs are the hatchings of the eggs and are pale in colour with approx size of 1-4 mm of length. Bed bugs have a flattened body and are very fond of dark places to hide which creates their detection difficulty. Mostly they like the locations where people sleep and can be found under some places like carpets and paintings, mattresses, floorboards, behind skirtings, in various crevices and cracks of walls, within bed frames and other furniture.

Bed bugs can be seen nearly every place where people tend to gather, including homes, schools, offices, retail stores, offices and even public transportation; they transport in any luggage, clothing, bedding and furniture.

The mouth parts of these blood sucking creatures are habituated to pierce the skin and suck blood. During feeding they inject saliva which makes the blood thin to suck out of skin. They mostly attracted to warmth and CO2 which we exhale. They seek out shelter in daylight, become inactive to digest the blood meal and also easily survive for longer periods without feeding.

How to Know If You Have a Bed Bug Infestation:

  • Alive and dead bedbugs & cast skin. While the alive bedbugs confirm that infestation is presently active.
  • Faecal spotting: The digested blood by the bedbugs can be initially observed in the sheets, beading of mattresses and along the mattress.
  • Eggs can be seen in the crevices or in the dark areas.
  • A ‘sticky sweet’ smell of bedbugs if it is near to you or a sign of heavy infestation area.
  • Stains of blood on the mattresses or sheets.


Bedbug’s eggs can’t be destroyed so it can be removed in a two-round process, our expert inspects hiding spots of these bugs and injects it with advanced chemicals and after 15 days they kill newly hatched bed bugs and ensure that no bed bugs are pound in post-treatment. This is a clean and hygiene way to remove bedbugs.

Bedbug Prevention Tips:

Avoid this blood seeking creature with the below tips:

  • Clean clothing, curtains, linens, bedding and in hot water and dry them.
  • Remove bedbugs and their eggs from mattresses using a stiff brush.
  • Vacuum the bed surrounding area and beds frequently.
  • Encase mattresses with a tightly woven, zipped covers keep bedbugs from escaping or entering.
  • Repair cracks in crevices and glue down peeling wallpapers to get of hidden places of bedbugs.
  • Remove clutter around your property.