Wasps are insects that are neither bee nor ant. They have a narrow waist and are
generally black and yellow in colour. Although wasps can be beneficial for your garden, as
they help in pollination, they can sting repeatedly unlike a
bee. Wasps live in smaller colonies compared to the bees but the queen wasp is the one that builds the nest
for the colony, unlike in bees, where the worker bees build the nest. Wasps are
aggressive because they are predators, and are very protective of their young
Wasps are attracted by sweet smells of eatables such as fruits, soda, juice,
dessert, jams, honey, and other such items. They are also attracted by
proteinaceous foods such as eggs, meat, dairy products, etc.
The unattended and improper disposal of food products attracts the wasps and
invites them to develop colonies nearby. A wasp infestation can be identified by
the presence of their nest. Wasps hibernate in winter, and they are constant
seekers of a suitable place, to build a nest for hibernation during winters.
Simple steps to prevent wasp from attacking –
1. Seal the small openings that can serve as the entry point of wasps.
2. Avoid wearing bright colors or floral print clothes.
3. Keep the garbage bins covered.
4. Avoid swatting because smashed wasp releases an alarm hormone that
alerts its companions and they may march forward to attack you.
5. Avoid perfumes because sweet smells attract them.
But sometimes dealing with them can prove to be a risk because of their painful
sting. For this, one needs an expert to handle the danger associated. Urban
Junggle provides proper inspection of the infestation and works according to a
serious control plan. The measures are safe and eco-friendly.
To know more, contact Urban Junggle on toll-free number: 1800 123 407407
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