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Why Choose Urban Junggle Rat Control Services?

Rats are destructive pests that are common in every household, causing significant damage to property and food. These pests are known to pose serious health risks by spreading diseases like leptospirosis, hantavirus and salmonella. This is why it becomes important to control their infestation at the right time and with a trusted rat control services such as Urban Junggle.

But the question is, what makes Urban Junggle the best pest control out there? Here’s why.

An Exceptionally Experienced and Certified Team

Urban Junggle boasts a team of highly trained and certified professionals with years of experience in pest control. Their extended understanding of rat behaviour and biology allows them to implement effective strategies for eliminating infestations quickly. This expertise ensures that every corner of your property is inspected and treated, thus reducing the chances of re-infestation.

Use of The Best Rat Control Solutions

Urban Junggle offers a comprehensive approach to rat control, addressing all causes of infestation and eliminating them swiftly. A thorough inspection leads to locating of all entry points, nesting areas and food sources that attract rats. This is followed by exclusion techniques such as sealing of gaps, cracks and holes, preventing further access of rats.

Urban Junggle believes in humane and effective trapping methods such as baiting systems that target the rats without posing a threat to other non-target animals. 

The entire process is then wrapped up after rodent proofing and sanitation. The team ensures that potential food sources and nesting materials are removed, making the space less attractive to rodents.

Safe Treatment Methods to Reduce any Health Risks

At Urban Junggle, the safety of your family and pets is a top priority. This is why only rat control products that are safe and gentle on living beings and the environment are used. 

Unlike traditional rat control methods that involve harmful chemicals, Urban Junggle uses sustainable control methods that is an ideal choice for households with children, pets or anyone concerned about minimizing environmental footprint.

Quick Service Right at Your Doorstep

Rat infestations require immediate action thus, Urban Junggle provides emergency rat control services ensuring that you can get rid of the infestation as quickly as possible. Their quick response time minimizes the damage and health risks associated with a rat infestation.

No matter the time of the day, Urban Junggle’s team is ready to provide rapid and effective service, addressing urgent concerns before they escalate.

Choosing Urban Junggle for rat control services means entrusting your home or business to experts who prioritize safety, efficiency, and long-term results. Their comprehensive solutions, eco-friendly approach, and dedication to customer satisfaction make them the ideal choice for anyone facing a rat infestation. Whether you need immediate assistance or are looking for preventative measures, Urban Junggle has the expertise and resources to keep your property rat-free.

By opting for Urban Junggle, you’re not just getting rid of rats – you’re investing in a healthier, safer, and more secure environment.

How Do Professionals Get Rid of Ants Permanently?

Ants are known to be one of the most persistent pests as they invade your home through cracks and crevices. While DIY solutions can provide temporary relief from them, professional pest control is what offers a long-term solution. But how exactly do professionals get rid of ants permanently? Let’s walk through the basics of Ant Management.

First Step: Thorough Inspection and Identification of the Pests

An extensive property inspection is done by professionals to determine the species of ants present. Carpenter ants can cause damage to your structures, while odorous house ants are drawn by the sweet treats in your home. Correct identification helps pest control experts to apply treatment in the most efficient way possible. Detecting nests inside the home during a detailed inspection allows for targeted treatment, providing long-term relief by addressing pest colonies directly.

Targeted Baiting Systems for Step Two

Bait can be very effective as the worker ants will bring it back to their nest and share it with the queen and other ants. This poison eventually spreads through the colony and wipes out all of it. They also work fast and will eliminate the ENTIRE colony, including their other nests that are hidden, rather than just killing the few ants you can see.

Perimeter Treatment for Professional Ant Control

Another important approach in professional ant control is the use of perimeter treatments about your house. They work by providing a protective barrier that keeps ants from coming inside to begin with. The process usually includes: Spraying or applying granules along the foundation of your home, in flower beds and around entry points such as doors and windows. Cracks in the foundation, gaps on walls and crawl spaces are also treated to remove ant infestations.

Removing the Pheromone Scent Trails to stop Ants from Coming Back

The trail-making behavior of ants is considered a very important decoding concept because during foraging trips and other similar activities they deposit trails whereas also follow them. When you have already treated some ant infestation, their scent trail is in your home and can lead new ones to come into the hive. These are what professionals perform when they use specialized cleaners and chemicals to eliminate scent tracks. Erasing these trails prevents more ants from following the same course up into your house. Communication is also broken as without the trails, it will be more difficult for ants to organize and navigate back, so they might not come again after treatment.

Even though home treatment solutions might show temporary outcomes, expert pest control interventions present the capabilities and tools needed to eliminate ants effectively. Professional ant extermination uses a combination of detailed inspections, bait systems localized to the source(s) feeding your ants, and perimeter treatments in addition to food source prevention that will eliminate not just symptomatically but at the root cause level. No matter if you have a small ant problem or the beginning of an ant swarm, investing in professionals provides long-term control rather than remaining to suffer with ants. If you are seeking a permanent solution to ant problems, then your simple do-it-yourself methods will not help in providing the desired services, hence calling professionals is undoubtedly a benefit.

Are Ant Control Products Safe For My Family and Pets?

Homeowners often seek professional or DIY help to deal with ant infestations in their homes. While these methods are efficient at eliminating ants, the main concern is their safety. It is therefore important for adults to be aware of the type of pest control products used, as well as their regulatory standards mentioned.

Types of Ant Control Products Used

When it comes to controlling ants, there are various options available on the market. These include:

1. Chemical Ant Control Products

 – Insecticidal Sprays: These are the common options that kill ants on contact. Not only that, but some sprays also leave a residue behind which will continue to kill ants for weeks after it is sprayed. 

– Ant Baits: This product works by attracting ants in your home/yard so they can ingest the poison, then take this food back to their colony and share it, thus eradicating them.

2. Natural and Eco-friendly Ant Control Products

 Diatomaceous Earth (DE): This powder is derived from fossilized algae and kills ants by drying them out. 

Essential Oil-based Products: Peppermint, tea tree, and citrus oils are commonly used in natural repellents for ants. 

Homemade Solutions: Many homeowners turn to DIY options like vinegar or a sugar-borax mixture for drawing off ant colonies.

 Are Chemical Ant Control Products Safe?

The concern for safety, especially with children and pets around, is valid when using chemical ant control products. While these products are designed to target insects, they may pose risks if not used properly.

1. Toxicity Levels

   There are many insecticide products available that contain chemicals like pyrethroids or neonicotinoids, some of which can be fatal if ingested in quantity. Pets, especially smaller ones like cats or dogs, due to their size and natural curiosity, are at higher risk of harm from ingestion. Children, especially young ones who crawl or lie on the floor, are more susceptible to touching surfaces that may have been treated with chemicals.

2. Health Risks

    — Some products, when ingested by your pet can lead to common symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and general weakness. More severe exposures can cause neurological or respiratory symptoms. 

— If chemicals are in the soil at levels high enough for children to be exposed, they may develop problems like skin irritation, headaches, or dizziness from low-level exposure. Excessive exposure to some chemicals over time can have even more dangerous health consequences, such as respiratory issues or developmental delays.

3. Regulatory Standards

  – Numerous countries have stringent controls in place regarding the manufacture and processing of insecticides, ensuring they are safe when used legally. Everything revolves around strictly following the instructions. While these products are considered “pet-safe” or “child-safe” to minimize risks, they should still be used with caution.


Signs That You Have a New Roommate- Termites

Signs of termite infestation: mud tubes on walls, damaged wooden beams, hollow wood, and winged swarmers around a home.

Termites are one of the most destructive pests known to mankind as they damage your furniture, your property and your bank balance required to repair all of it. Their presence if often overlooked until significant damage is done. By learning to recognize some of the signs or a termite infestation, you can take timely action and protect your home. Let’s explore such signs in detail.

Mud Tubes

You might notice pencil-thin tubes occurring along the foundation of your home, around the baseboards and along the walls. These are nothing but mud tubes made by termites from a mixture of soul, wood particles and termite saliva. These mud tubes are built to give termites a humid environment to survive and protects them as they forage for food.

Look for these mud tubes around the house especially in crawl spaces, basements and wooden beams where soul meets the structure.

Damaged Wood: The Telltale Sign of Termite Infestation

Cellulose is the most preferred food of termites and as they consume this delicacy, they leave behind damage that can weaken your house’s furniture and structure over time. Damaged wood is one of the most common indicators of a termite infestation, but is often detected until the damage is extensive.

Termites eat the wood from the inside out, which can make the outside look particularly normal but the insides had been completely devoured. This makes termites difficult to spot and weakens the wood. Wood can be tapped lightly to hear a hollow sound, which is indicative of an infestation. Blistering and bubbling of wood is a visual sign of damage.

Home owners need to pay attention to all wooden structures around their homes from time to time, including door frames, window sills and flooring.

Swarmers around the house means you’re not alone

You might’ve noticed large winged termites that stay in an around your house. These are called swarmers that are reproductive termites and establish new ones quickly, especially during the warmer months.

If you spot swarmers in or around your home, it is essential to take action as they could establish a colony within your home.

Other Signs of Termite Infestation

  • Termite Droppings called ‘frass’ can be seen near infested wood and resemble small piles of sawdust.
  • Noises can be heard in severe infestations as they ctunnel through the wood and communicate with each other.

Termites Can Cause More Damage Than You Know

Termite damage in an urban Indian home: hollowed wood, sagging floors, blistered walls, and damaged electrical wiring caused by termites

Termites are not the best houseguests and it can be proved by the significant structural damage that they cause to our homes, often without us noticing. If termite infestations are left untreated, it can weaken the structural integrity of your homes, leading to safety hazards.

How do Termites Cause Structural Damage?

Termites feed on cellulose which is present in wood, paper and other plant-based materials. They consume the wood inside out, thus leaving it hollow.

  • Wood Structure Weakening is the most common impact of termites. Over time, they weaken the framework of your home, leading to structural issues. Check your furniture and wood by lightly tapping them for a hollow sound. As the infestation grows, you may notice sagging floors and blistered walls which might even collapse in severe cases.
  • Electrical and Plumbing Damages occur when termites chew through electrical wires, insulation and pipes leading to several fire and water hazards. If infestation is left unchecked, these issues can lead to costly repairs, electrical failures or even flooding at your home.

How to Prevent Termite Infestations?

Prevention is often the best defence against termites. Homeowners might try:

  • Landscaping: Certain changes in and around the house can actively prevent such infestations. Keeping wood such as firewood and lumbar away from the house can avoid termites creeping into your homes. Vegetation around the house should be trimmed and cleared away from your home’s foundation so that they don’t find a way to devour the structural core of your space.
  • Moisture Control: Termites crave for moist environments so keeping your areas dry can go a long way. It is essential to fix faulty faucets and pipes. Good drainage can help avoid water pooling near the foundation, reducing the risk of termite infestation.
  • Regular Inspections are required. Scheduling a professional termite inspection at least once a year can help detect early signs of termites before they can cause significant damages. The owners can also carry out DIY inspections such as looking out for termite activity, hollowed wood and noises.

Professional Termite Treatment Options For Severe Cases

Termite infestations require quick action. It is important to contact a pest control professional and conduct a thorough inspection and treatment. Some of the treatments that are effective for termites are:

  • Liquid Treatments: These used chemical barriers around your home’s foundation to kill termites as they enter or exit property. Non-repellant and repellant chemicals are used alike to eliminate the entire colony.
  • Termite Baiting Systems: These are an alternative to liquid treatments. The baits are slow-acting and allow termites to consume it and carry it back to their colony, spreading and eventually killing other termites. These are eco-friendly solutions as they use fewer chemicals than liquid treatments.
  • Fumigation: This is a more aggressive treatment option used particularly for dry wood termites or severe infestations. The houses are sealed and filled with a gas that penetrates the wood and kills termites.

Termites are silent destroyers that can cause extensive damage to your home if left unchecked. Understanding how termites cause structural damage, the risks they pose, and how to prevent infestations can save you from costly repairs and unsafe living conditions. If you suspect termites, don’t wait—act quickly to safeguard your property.

A Guide to Preventive Maintenance for Rodents

Preventive maintenance strategies for rodent control in urban households: sealed entry points, organized storage, and clean surfaces.

Regular rodent inspections need to be added into our calendar as the seasons change. Preventive maintenance not only helps detect infestations early but also helps minimizing the risk of damages and health hazards.

How Often Should You Schedule Rodent Inspections?

The frequency of rodent inspections depends on your location, type of property and previous habits of rodents around the area. Some general guidelines can be followed such as:

  • Routine inspections in urban and suburban areas are advisable, say, at least twice a year. Seasons such as winter and spring are when rodents are usually most active and tend to get into homes for shelter.
  • Homes with a history of rodent infestations should schedule these inspections at least quarterly so as to catch any signs of infestation early.
  • If you’re moving into a new home, initial inspection is a smart preventive measure. This will ensure that there are no hidden infestations already in place.
  • Spaces such as restaurants, food processing plants and warehouses should have regular scheduled monthly rodent inspections as closeness to food attracts these pests easily.
  • Office spaces would need a regular inspection every three to four months to protect building and electrical damages.

Preventive Maintenance and How to Do it?

Regular inspections are crucial but preventive maintenance can go a long way as they keep rodents at bay. Certain guidelines can be followed to reduce the risk of a rodent infestation in your spaces:

  • Sealing of Entry Points: Rodents are known to enter through cracks and holes in the walls. Check your property for gaps around windows, doors, pipes, and vents. Sealing of such entry points will reduce the risk of rodents seeking warmth indoors.
  • Maintaining Cleanliness: Rodents are attracted to clutter and therefore, keeping a clean environment will naturally draw them away. Store food in airtight container, clean up after spills and regularly empty your trash cans to keep the rodents away.
  • Eliminate Stagnant Water sources: Rodents are known to stay closer to food and water sources. Stagnant water or leaky pipes, drains and faucets might provide them witn a source of water. Be sure to check under your sinks and inside or outside faucets, sprinkler systems for moisture buildup.

When to Call a Professional Pest Control Service?

While regular inspections and preventative measures can help keep rodents away, some infestations require professional intervention. If you notice any of the following signs, it’s time to call in a pest control expert:

  • Constant noises in the walls or attic
  • A large number of droppings in your home or business
  • Damaged electrical wiring or gnawed materials
  • Persistent rodent sightings or odors

How are Rodents dangerous for your Home and Health?

Illustration of the dangers of rodents in Indian homes, showing droppings, gnawed furniture, and signs of rodent-borne diseases.

Rodents are tiny invaders of space that can contaminate your food supplies and cause significant damage to property in a short amount of time. This blog will explore the dangers associated with rodents and what you can do to control them.

What diseases do Rodents Cause?

Rodents are carriers of several diseases and exposure to their urine, feces or saliva can lead to various health complications such as:

  • Hantavirus: This is a life-threatening virus that is primarily spread by rodents. The symptoms of its infection resemble the flu like fever, muscle aches and fatigue but can quickly develop into severe respiratory issues. The Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) is fatal in about 38% cases, making it the deadliest rodent-borne disease.
  • Salmonella Infections: Rodent feces carry salmonella bacteria and can be easily spread through food contamination. Symptoms of salmonella infection include stomachache, diarrhea, fever and vomiting. These infections are particularly dangerous for young children, elderly people and individuals with compromised immune systems.
  • Leptospirosis: This is a bacterial infection caused through contact with water or soil contaminated by rodent urine. The symptoms include mild heaches and muscle pain but can lead to kidney damage, liver failure and might result in fatality. This deases is common in tropical and subtropical regions and thus, makes extermination of the rodents necessary.
  • Plague: Throughout history, it has been called “Black Death” as it can lead to major fatalities in a small amount of time. Even though it is less common, it can still occur in rodent infested regions.

For homeowners looking to handle rodent infestation, several DIY techniques can be highly effective when used correctly. Some of these include:

  • Rodent Traps: These are the most widely used control methods where either snap traps or glue traps are used to catch rodents. These methods are inexpensive and just need to be places in high-activity areas, catching rodents in no time.
  • Baits: Rodenticide-poisoned food is used to lure rodents and can kill them within a few days of ingestion. These are effective but need to be handled carefully and kept out of reach of children or pests.
  • Exclusion Techniques: These methods focus on sealing entry points where rodents might squeeze through. Steel wool, caulk and hardware clothing can be used to block any small holes or cracks in walls, floors and foundations. Vents and Chimneys need to be covered up in case there is frequent entry of rats from such points.

Natural Remedies for Rodent Control

While professional and DIY methods are effective, residents can also opt for natural remedies that can help prevent and control rodents. These include:

  • Peppermint Oil: Rodents are known to be repelled by strong smells like peppermint oil. Cotton balls soaked in it can be kept in areas such as crack or vents to prevent their entry.
  • Garlic: Garlic also has a strong smell which rodents tend to avoid. A mixture of garlic and cayenne pepper can be applied around the perimeter of the house or problem areas.

Are Rodents taking over your House?

Rodents such as mice and rat are notorious creatures that take over your house, particularly your kitchen as soon as they find an opening. These carriers of diseases have the potential to cause serious damage to both your property and health.

This is why identifying a rodent infestation early is crucial for effective control and prevention.Let’s have a look at the signs of rodent infestation, common places to check and step one can take for it.

Common Signs of a Rodent Infestation

  1. Droppings

Rats and mice are known to leave behind small, pellet-shaped droppings near food sources and corners which can be easily identified. These can range from the size of a raisin to a grain of rice depending on the size and type of rodent. Fresh droppings are often dark and moist whilst older ones are dry and gray.

If you regularly find such dropping around your home or business, its time to conduct a thorough inspection of your space.

  1. Gnaw Marks

Rodents are known to constantly chew on materials such as wires, furniture, cardboard etc to keep their teeth in check. These gnaw marks can be found at spaces infested by rodents. Lighter marks are seen in case the gnawing has been recent whilst older ones darken with time.

  1. Scurrying Noises

Rodents are nocturnal animals, which means they are highly active at night. This is often the time you could hear them scurrying about. Common sounds such as scratching, squeaking and gnawing can be heard from walls, ceilings and under floors. If you hear these noises late at night, it might be a sign to look for rodent activity around your space.

  1. Nesting Signs

Nests are visual signs of rodent infestation as rodents collect shredded paper, fabric or insulation to build a safe space for themselves. You might want to look behind appliances, inside cupboards or in storage spaces to find such place where they might potentially give birth and introduce new house mates to you.

  1. Unusual Odors

As one might know, rodents do not smell of flowers and baby powder but carry a musty smell around themselves that may indicate urine, feces or dead rodents. The smells are particularly stronger in confined areas like cupboards and closets where the rodents have nested or are active.

Where Should You Check for Rodent Infestation?

Rodents, as any living creature, crave food, water and shelter. This is why they are known to make their homes in:

  • Kitchen and the Pantry where they find food and water easily. Check cabinets, drawers and under appliances for dropping, food damage or gnaw marks.
  • Basements and Attics as they provide warm spaces and seclusion for nesting
  • Storage areas as rodents are attracted to clutter

What to do if you find signs of Rodent Infestation?

  • The first step is to confirm the presence of rodents through the various signs mentioned above.
  • Once confirmed, you can clean and declutter your space so as to make the space less attractive to rodents.
  • Setting up traps and rodenticides at strategic places can be effective for small infestations.
  • If the infestation is large, its best to contact a pest control expert as soon as possible.

Health Risks Associated With a Cockroach Infestation

As dreadful pests, cockroaches live up to their names as they pose significant health risks to humans. Their presence in homes can lead to allergic reactions, trigger asthma symptoms, and facilitate the spread of various diseases. Understanding the health hazards posed by cockroaches can help you take proactive steps to prevent infestations and protect your well-being.

Allergic Reactions are the Most Common

One of the most immediate and common health risks associated with cockroach infestations is the development of allergic reactions. Cockroach allergens come from their saliva, droppings, and shed body parts, which can accumulate in household dust over time. When inhaled, these allergens can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Symptoms of cockroach allergens include sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and skin rashes. Children and individuals with weakened immune systems are particularly susceptible to these reactions.

Cockroaches are carriers of Various Diseases

Cockroaches are notorious for their ability to spread diseases. As scavengers, they feed on garbage, decaying matter, and even feces, picking up bacteria and pathogens along the way. When they crawl over food, kitchen surfaces, and utensils, they can transfer these harmful microorganisms to humans, potentially leading to illness.

Some of the most common diseases carried by cockroaches include:


Salmonella is known for causing food-borne illnesses. Symptoms include diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. When cockroaches eat contaminated food or waste, they can carry salmonella on their bodies and transmit the bacteria to human kitchen surfaces. Similarly, serious diseases like gastrointestinal illness can also ensue if food prepared from cockroach infested areas are consumed — especially in the case of children poisoned by other elements such as petroleum fume or with a weakened immune system.

E. Coli

Another bacteria carried by cockroaches is Escherichia coli (E. coli). E. coli also can be very dangerous causing serious infections, especially in the gastrointestinal system (with symptoms like stomach cramps and sometimes bloody stool as well as nausea/vomiting) just like Salmonella. If cockroaches are in your home, they may transmit E. coli through that food or surface contact as well.


Dysentery is a severe intestinal infection that can lead to diarrhea, abdominal pain, and dehydration. It is caused by bacteria and amoebas that cockroaches can carry after coming into contact with human waste. Consuming contaminated food or water can lead to this potentially dangerous infection, especially in regions with poor sanitation.


Cholera is a bacterial infection that leads to severe diarrhea and dehydration, and it can be fatal if left untreated. Although more common in areas with inadequate access to clean water and sanitation, cockroaches can play a role in spreading cholera by contaminating food and water with the bacteria.

Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is a serious illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi, which is spread through contaminated food and water. Cockroaches can act as carriers of this bacterium, transferring it to food items in the home. Symptoms of typhoid fever include high fever, weakness, stomach pain, and loss of appetite.

Do Cockroaches Keep Coming Back Even After Treatment?

Cockroaches are persistent and survive even a massive eradication causing extermination. This often leads to an irritating scenario for house owners. So why do these pests still thrive after numerous treatments? What attracts cockroaches to hang around so often? Let’s explore what makes cockroaches keep coming back for more.

A Deeper Look at Cockroach Resilience

Roaches have existed for millions of years and have outlived some really extremal conditions. But they have evolved to thrive in hostile environments. Some of the characteristics that make a cockroach tough to exterminate is:

  • A high reproductive rate
  • Resilience to pesticides
  • Proficiency in finding hiding spots
  • Ability to live a relatively long time without food and water

Possible Reasons For The Return of Cockroaches in Your Home

Even after rigorous treatment, cockroaches can be seen roaming around the property due to a few reasons such as:

  • Incomplete treatment: In some cases, the treatments only affect adult cockroaches that are visible, leaving behind hidden roaches and eggs. This results in the cycle being started again and roaches running around.
  • Ineffective products or their application: This happens when there’s use of over-the-counter treatments as they are not all powerful enough to eradicate every cockroach. This is why homeowners should opt for a professional infestation treatment.
  • Lack of Follow-up treatments: Cockroach infestation is one of the few that need to be treated multiple times for a full eradication. This is why a consistent follow-up schedule would help break the breeding cycle and prevent survival of new cockroaches.
  • Infested community area: If you live in a high density region, it is easy for cockroaches to migrate to your house even after eradications. In this case, a community-wide eradication is the best option.
  • Improper Sanitation: Poor sanitation and hygiene has always been the reason of cockroaches crawling into your homes. If such habits continue even after eradication, there’s a high chance that cockroaches might be drawn back to your home.

How to Ensure Long-Lasting Control?

Everyone wants to live in a cockroach-free environment due to obvious reasons but what does it take to keep those pests from creeping back into your humble abode? Here are a few steps that can minimize the risk of cockroach recurrence:

  • Keeping a Clean Environment: As cockroaches are attracted to food sources, it is important to maintain a clean environment, removing all crumbs and moisture that might accumulate anywhere in the house, particularly the kitchen.
  • Sealing entry points: Since cockroaches enter the house through cracks and crevices, homeowners can look for such spaces and seal the gaps using caulk or other sealants. This will reduce the chances of cockroaches migrating from other households.
  • Bait Stations: These are effective for a long-term solution. These traps are used to lure cockroaches out of their hiding space and deliver a slow-acting poison that the cockroaches takes back to its nest, infecting other in the colony.
  • A Professional Treatment: DIY efforts are effective but for a solid long-term solution, professional pest control offers more powerful solutions and expertise. Scheduling regular pest control and follow-up treatment will ensure that any surviving cockroaches are eliminated.