There are more than 35,000 known spider species worldwide, but only a handful are considered dangerous and 27 species are thought to be the cause of human fatalities.

Spiders are attracted to warm, dark little spaces, such as wall cracks, corners, air vents and washrooms. However, some species prefer to stay close to the outside, weaving their webs in their garden or near their outdoor light.

Although most common spiders at home are not really harmful, they can become a nuisance due to their webbing and can cause fear for some people.
Spiders often suffer more psychological harm than physical ones. People’s dislike for spiders can range from general annoyance to irrational psychological fear, known as arachnophobia.

Spider webs can also cause problems in residential and commercial settings. Spider webs are often considered unsightly and give visitors the impression that no place is clean or inviting.

How to Know If You Have a Spider Infestation:

Spiders usually enter homes in below primary ways:

  • Through open and poorly screened windows or doors.
  • Through gaps and cracks around window and door frames.
  • Most of the time, spiders come indoors in search of food and shelter. The other common method of entry is by mistake inside boxes, outdoor items and many other things that are brought inside your home or business premises.


These ants are the largest among all and most difficult to control that naturally invade properties.

Although many premise owners thrive with DIY products to control spider like repellents and spider track, from them the results are more often less than satisfactory.

Little problems can acquire phase of large ones, that’s why people often preference the services of professional pest control.

With Urban Junggle, your trouble is treated by skilled technicians, experienced professionals. They understand and have skills about the habits of each species and use that knowledge while building up a control program for your home.

Spider Prevention Tips:

It is good practice not to leave clothes on the floor, or to move them well before putting them on. Other ways to avoid unpleasant surprises are to check your bed before going to bed, vacuum regularly, remove noticeable webs, to prevent entrances and around the house by moving firewood outside the home. Fill the gaps in the walls to minimize harbor areas.